
We amplify what you and your team can do

We're strategists and designers who solve problems to make customers happier and businesses healthier.
Our Services

We've been on your side of the table.

We know what it's like to be responsible for a complex project and need a thought partner to drive the work forward.

Amplify helps businesses understand their users, design new products and services (or fix broken ones), and align teams on how to move forward. Our clients say they get more out of our projects because their team grows, too.

Experience Strategy

We help teams zero in on who their users are, frame the opportunities, and decide where and how to play.
Getting started can be the hardest part. Sometimes teams have lots of ideas but are unsure which ones to pursue - we can validate, scope and prioritize concepts to create a path forward. Other times we partner with organizations who have a good idea but aren't clear on who the target users are or how to go to market, and get their ideas in front of consumers to identify where they should focus.

Product & Service Design

We have a bias towards making things. This means turning business strategies into tangible experience concepts, getting user feedback earlier and more often, and iterating from early ideas all the way to launch.
Often, organizations seek our help to improve a current customer experience. We love nothing more than diving in with users, diagnosing where the problems are, and designing solutions that are better for customers and the business.

Coaching and advisory

Our goal is to transition off projects and support our clients to carry the work forward.
We help individuals and teams develop skills in research, strategy, and design, and can be a flex resource to when clients need extra help refining ideas, breaking through problems, and facilitating important steps.
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Designing for customer loyalty

Moving the needle from points to brand love
Experience Design
Conceptual Prototyping
Designing for customer loyalty

Modernizing the retail sales process

Using technology to deepen client relationships and drive business
User Research
Conceptual Prototyping
Modernizing the retail sales process

Making life insurance decisions simple

Buying life insurance shouldn’t be scary
User Research
Conceptual Prototyping
Service Design
Making life insurance decisions simple

Kind words from happy clients

Amplify is masterful at marrying primary research and strategic business thinking to develop deep consumer insights that improve product outcomes.

Araba Appiagyei
Go Health

Amplify drew out human insights from multiple sources and tied it into future state concepts.

The team at Amplify are reliable and trustworthy. They produced high quality content.

Jenny P

On-point, planned and executed well, a partner to help me be successful.

Amplify were able to successfully execute on the details as well as see the patterns in the work.

Amplify pieced together the project to be successful in both the moment and the soon-to-be future.

Derek Darby
Innovation Refunds

Let's talk shop

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