
Differentiated journey design

Creates rich data profiles to identify target customer groups, plans where to gather missing data points, and maps how the customer experience changes for these users.

Who it’s for

Retailers who:

  • Collect lots of customer data, but are not always sure how to use it
  • Have launched personalization strategies, but they haven’t changed user behavior or met business goals
  • Have segmentation data that can’t meaningfully tell customers apart, so even personalized journeys seem generic
  • Want to increase conversion and engagement by creating personalized customer journeys based on data about their unique needs.

How it works

First, we define the narrow customer segments that the business wants to target, and perform qualitative research to clearly define their typical shopping behaviors, barriers, and needs throughout the end to end journey.

Then, we define the dimensions and characteristics that can meaningfully tell those customer groups apart - for example, how they make purchase decisions, where in the shopping journey they are, attitudes and values, and shopping context.

We work with retailers to build a rich data profile that can narrowly identify target customers among all omnichannel traffic, and plan where and how to gather the contextual and attitudinal data they don’t currently track.

Finally, we design a future customer journey that maps the points of differentiation and how customer groups diverge. This includes documenting the data inputs and outputs of personalization models, and forks in the digital and physical shopping journey.

Why it is different

Many retailers are implementing targeting and personalization strategies to improve engagement and conversion. But, the data they use to tag customer segments is shallow and doesn’t meaningfully distinguish different customers and their needs (for example, a new customer or a customer interested in a product category).

Differentiated Journey Design helps retailers develop a customer-centered data strategy that meaningfully distinguishes customer by the attributes that drive shopping behavior, and deliver truly personalized, high impact experiences.

How it drives growth

This service saves organizations money and time they would otherwise invest in data and personalization initiatives that can’t identify the right customers and deliver generic journeys that don’t change behavior.

Having a customer-centered data strategy and clarity on the behavioral indicators of key customer groups sets retailers up to deliver deeply personalized, intuitive, and high converting experiences.


Typical time to results:

10-12 weeks

Quick wins:

Customer-centered data profile in 4 weeks

  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Analysis of qualitative customer segment research and quantitative cx data
  • Analysis of personalization models and existing customer data
  • Qualitative research with target customer groupsFacilitation of kickoff, midpoint, and final workshops to present concepts and insights and engage stakeholders
  • Delivery of a differentiation blueprint, including detailed customer steps, data collected and generated, forks in the experience, content or model results, and mid fidelity prototypes of new interactions.
  • Delivery of an insights report detailing research insights that informed the customer profiles and journey.
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